Individual Empowered Wellness


Learn to listen to your body...



Individual Empowered Wellness is the core intention of Boston Āyurveda Inc. because we understand that you are the sole benefactor of your health. Therefore, that makes you the focus of any effort to create a positive change in your well being. Counselors and practitioners are available for support and guidance in the process, however, you play the primary role when it comes to choice and adherence to diet and lifestyle recommendations.

Through an individualized approach and specific plan, we hope to encourage the confidence of those who are willing to strive for physical and mental wellness. Daily choices and exposures such as what you do and how you do it, can have a cumulative effect on your body and mind. Understanding the impact of your choices allows you to make informed decisions about what may be useful for you or what may not agree with your unique constitution.

Āyurveda as a holistic science recognizes the tendencies of an individual as explained in the concept of Prakṛti (individual constitution or mind-body type). Just as our environment has many unique qualities and manifests as a variety of geographical regions, seasons, and landscapes, the human body unfolds to become its own expression of those same components. Identifying the predominant mechanisms allows us to have a deeper understanding of the individual’s tendencies and preferences. With this approach, Āyurvedic therapeutic design is meant to understand your needs and create a strategy to promote health.


Āyurvedic Consultations consist of the following:

  1. Identifying and understanding your current state of health

  2. Discussing factors or changes you are experiencing in your health and well being

  3. Investigating your diet and lifestyle trends

  4. Determining your long-term goal of health. Where would you like to be…

  5. Strategizing to help improve your physical and emotional well being


What to Expect:

Questions about the following:

·        Symptoms that are concerning you

·        Past health issues, pre existing conditions

·        Current diet, food sensitivities, and preferences  

·        Sleep and evacuation patterns, past, and present  

·        Factors that may impair your mental health


Follow Ups:

A follow up is a check in regarding changes that you observe or questions regarding your plan. We encourage an open dialogue to support you in this process. Follow ups are scheduled a minimum of 60 days after the initial consultation. It takes time to incorporate new techniques, so it is important to give yourself the time to adjust and work with your plan.



Initial Consultations     : $175 / 90 mins

Follow ups                       : $ 100/ 60 mins

We accept cash, checks, Venmo, Zelle, and cards.


“Dr. Anusha truly saved my life. About five years ago, I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis. I went from being a completely healthy and athletic person to barely being able to walk down the stairs. Over the years, I had seen dozens of doctors and specialists, but no one could tell me what had happened, let alone how to reverse the damage. I tried prescription and over the counter meds, herbs, lifestyle changes, and really anything I could, but the pain and my level of mobility ebbed and flowed, seemingly without rhyme or reason. I had even seen other Ayurvedic doctors, but none were able to provide the guidance and support that Dr. Anusha did. The pain got so bad that on some days I could barely walk. A rheumatologist advised me that the best option would be to take an immunosuppressant shot every two weeks for the next 15 years, and after that… count on “them” creating a new medicine for me to continue taking indefinitely.

Thankfully, I was referred to Dr. Anusha by a friend who had studied under her. Dr. Anusha easily assessed my problem and the cause. She recommended basic diet and lifestyle changes along with Ayurvedic herbs. After following Dr. Anusha’s guidance, I started to see dramatic changes. I no longer woke up feeling bloated in my body. I could walk and even run for extended periods of time without feeling any pain at all! The cyst in the back of my knee shrunk down to almost nothing. I feel light and bright in my body and mind, and infinitely happier now that I’ve learned how to manage my condition and reverse its effects.

I sincerely hope that every person who is dealing with chronic pain or a seemingly irreversible condition gets the opportunity to work with Dr. Anusha. You don’t have to suffer! You don’t have to deteriorate!

Thank you, Dr. Anusha! I am so grateful to you for giving me my life and my body back. “ - Alison S.



Practitioners at Boston Āyurveda Inc. do not claim to be licensed physicians under the state of Massachusetts nor have the intent to “diagnose, prescribe, or treat”. We are practitioners of the traditional system of Āyurveda and limit our advice to diet and lifestyle factors which might be supportive to one’s health.  Our services do not address prescribed medication, surgical procedures, or treatment strategies as prescribed by a medical professional.

Āyurveda is a complementary system, NOT currently licensed by the State of Massachusetts.